What is Data Banking?

Data Banking allows you to save your included data and use it later when it suits you. Data that you don’t use in the month, will be saved in your Data Bank for when you need it the most. Let’s say your mobile plan gets 35GB of data each month. You start the month with 35GB but at the end of the month you find you’ve only used 10GB in the month. Instead of losing the 25GB of unused data, it will stay in ‘the bank’ until you need it. You now have a total of 60GB of data to use (35GB for this month + 25GB of unused data from last month). You can store up to 500GB of unused data on all plans excluding Prepaid 180 Day Expiry Plans.
How can I gift?
It’s easy, You can gift data via your TeleChoice Online Customer Portal https://www.telechoice.com.au/members/account or through your Prepaid Customer Portal https://www.telechoice.com.au/members or via the TeleChoice App
How much data can I gift?
You can gift up to 50% of your Included monthly Mobile Data allowance in 1GB increments, as long as you have at least 128MB of data and the recipient is a TeleChoice Mobile customer.
Which plans allowed to gift?
All our current mobile plans that show Data Gifting are allowed to gift and receive gifts. Mobile Data ONLY plans are NOT allowed to gift however they are allowed to receive gifts!
If I have recieved a data gift, will that data be banked?
Yes, any data that you receive will be added to your data bank if not used by the end of monthly cycle.
Can I re-gift a Data gift?
Data, once gifted, cannot be re-gifted to any other plan. Gifted data will be utilised before Included Data and any unused data will rollover into Data Bank. Users cannot gift from their Data Bank, Excess Data Bolt-on’s or from, Bonus Data.
Who can I gift to?
You can gift data to any active TeleChoice mobile customer. Both the giver and the receiver will get a notification advising them when the data gift transaction has been completed.